Are Penguins Mammals?

Have you ever seen a penguin on TV, in a magazine, or in a zoo and asked yourself - are penguins mammals? This is a pretty common question and the answer is interesting as well. One reason why many people think that penguins are mammals is that penguins spend most of their time on land or in the sea. So, what is the right answer?

The right answer is that penguins are not mammals. Mammals are classified as vertebrate of the class Mammalia that nurse their young with milk and give birth to live animals. Penguins don’t do either as they lay eggs and feed their young with regurgitated food such as fish, krill, and squid. Penguins can be classified as birds because they have wings that they use as flippers when underwater. Penguins also lay eggs and feed their chicks in the same way as many other birds do.

penguin group small

penguin group small

Even then, when people look at penguins, they often think of them as mammals. In this article, we are going to take a look at some common misconceptions that make people ask are penguins mammals?


To sum up, penguins are not mammals even if their looks and behaviors might make them look like mammals. Penguins are more suitable for swimming and their feeding habits also require them to agile swimmers. The streamlined bodies, waterproof feathers, and wings that act like flippers all point towards the fact that penguins are best classified as aquatic birds.

So, what do you think about penguins as flightless, aquatic birds? Feel free to share your questions, queries or thoughts about penguins in the comment section.


Image Credit:

  1. penguin group small by Antarctica Bound / CC BY

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